MP0000039 Angel House Apartments
Violation Information
This Public Water System is currently in violation of numerous drinking water requirements. Enforcement actions against this Public Water System are currently pending.
Information about Sample Sites
No Lead and Copper inventory has been completed for this water system.
Information about Lead and Copper Sampling and Results
This is a Community Water System and serves approximately 60 people year round.
This system is required to collect 1 sample from 5 sites when performing "standard monitoring;" and 1 sample from 5 sites when performing "reduced monitoring."
All water systems were initially required to collect samples during two consecutive six month monitoring periods. If the results from those samples were below the Action Level* then the system may reduce the number of samples collected and reduce the frequency to once per year. A water system that has results below the Action Level three years in a row, may further reduce the frequency to once every three years.
This system is currently on STANDARD MONITORING and collects 5 samples SEMI-ANNUALLY.
The system reports the 90th percentile result (90% of the samples collected are not over this value). The most recent results for this system are:
The Action Level (AL) for Lead = 15 ug/l; the Action Level (AL) for Copper = 1300 ug/l
ug/l means microgram per liter
This system is required to collect 1 sample from 5 sites when performing "standard monitoring;" and 1 sample from 5 sites when performing "reduced monitoring."
All water systems were initially required to collect samples during two consecutive six month monitoring periods. If the results from those samples were below the Action Level* then the system may reduce the number of samples collected and reduce the frequency to once per year. A water system that has results below the Action Level three years in a row, may further reduce the frequency to once every three years.
This system is currently on STANDARD MONITORING and collects 5 samples SEMI-ANNUALLY.
The system reports the 90th percentile result (90% of the samples collected are not over this value). The most recent results for this system are:
- DATE 90th percentile value
- never collected Lead = no results to date
- never collected Copper = no results to date
The Action Level (AL) for Lead = 15 ug/l; the Action Level (AL) for Copper = 1300 ug/l
ug/l means microgram per liter
Sampling Results for Other Contaminants
All Community Water Systems are required to produce a document each year (by July 1) that lists the most current results (from the previous year) of all contaminants detected in their water. This document is known as a Consumer Confidence Report. This water system has yet to produce a Consumer Confidence Report.
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Copyright (c) 2009 - 2016 Mariana Islands Water Operator Association
Last Modified: 3/11/2016
Copyright (c) 2009 - 2016 Mariana Islands Water Operator Association
Last Modified: 3/11/2016