Wednesday December 2, 2009
Time: 8:00 am Registration; 8:30 am - 11:30 am training
Place: Pacific Islands Club, Napu Room
Place: Pacific Islands Club, Napu Room
Water Hammer
speaker: Casey Conner
Casey Conner shared his experieince troubleshooting pump and distribution problems. He explained causes of water hammer and how to prevent water hammer in a distribution system.
Water Hammer
speaker: Casey Conner
Casey Conner shared his experieince troubleshooting pump and distribution problems. He explained causes of water hammer and how to prevent water hammer in a distribution system.
Ground Water Contamination and Overview
speaker: Max Simian
DEQ's resident geologist Max Simian described how contaminants move through soil and rock formations and methods for cleaning up contaminated soil and ground water.
speaker: Max Simian
DEQ's resident geologist Max Simian described how contaminants move through soil and rock formations and methods for cleaning up contaminated soil and ground water.
Walkerton E. coli Outbreak
A video produced by the Ontario Department of Public Health about the May 2000 E. Coli outbreak in Walkerton, Ontario was presented, along with a discussion about the responsibility of the operators of that water system for the outbreak.
A video produced by the Ontario Department of Public Health about the May 2000 E. Coli outbreak in Walkerton, Ontario was presented, along with a discussion about the responsibility of the operators of that water system for the outbreak.
Instructors' Bios
- Casey Conner - coming soon
- Max Simian - coming soon
PowerPoint Presentations
- None to share at this time for this class
Certified operators attending this training earned 3 hours of continuing education towards thri certification renewal requirements.
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Copyright © 2009 - 2013 Mariana Islands Water Operator Assocaition
Last modified: 2/25/2013
Copyright © 2009 - 2013 Mariana Islands Water Operator Assocaition
Last modified: 2/25/2013