Wednesday August 12, 2014
Time: 8:00 am Registration; 8:30 am - 12:00 pm training
Place: Pacific Islands Club, Napu Room
Place: Pacific Islands Club, Napu Room
Current Events
speaker: Derek Chambers
Drought in California
Derek gave an update on the drought situation in California.
Current Events
speaker: Derek Chambers
Drought in California
Derek gave an update on the drought situation in California.
Sunset Blvd, Los Angelas, CA Water Main Break
speaker: Derek Chambers
Derek provided photos and videos of a water main break under Sunset Blvd in Los Angelas, CA. The break was in a 93 year old, 3 foot diameter, high pressure steel pipe and sprayed water into the air at 34,000 gpm.
speaker: Derek Chambers
Derek provided photos and videos of a water main break under Sunset Blvd in Los Angelas, CA. The break was in a 93 year old, 3 foot diameter, high pressure steel pipe and sprayed water into the air at 34,000 gpm.
Toledo Ohio Water Contamination
speaker: Derek Chambers
Derek provided photos and videos of a water contamination event in Toledo, Ohio.
speaker: Derek Chambers
Derek provided photos and videos of a water contamination event in Toledo, Ohio.
Super El-Nino 2014?
speaker: Derek Chambers
The El-Nino predicted for late 2014 early 2015 could be one of the biggest ever.
speaker: Derek Chambers
The El-Nino predicted for late 2014 early 2015 could be one of the biggest ever.
Main Event:
Public Relations for Utility Workers
speaker: Gary Byrd
Gary Byrd of the Hawaii Rural Water Association discussed the importance of presenting a good image to customers.
Public Relations for Utility Workers
speaker: Gary Byrd
Gary Byrd of the Hawaii Rural Water Association discussed the importance of presenting a good image to customers.
Instructors' Bios
PowerPoint Presentations & Links
Certified operators attending this training earned 3 hours of continuing education towards their certification renewal requirements. (this class ran a little over our normal three hours)
Attendance and Certificates
To get a copy of your certificate, click on your last name. The certificates are jpg files. When you click on your name the certificate should either download automatically to your computer, or open on your screen. If it opens on your screen, then remember to save it to your computer.
CUC Personnel
- Last_Name First_Name
- Acaso Edito B.
- Alcantara Marlon B.
- Antatico Romeo L.
- Attao Vicente C.
- Bahia Moren
- Banaag Marlon
- Bandales John
- Batangan Susano G.
- Bea Paulo
- Bernardo Romeo
- Bunao Ronnie
- Byrd Gary
- Cabanas Cayetana Roberta
- Cabrera Geoffrey
- Castillo Alexander B.
- Catagatan Zaldy
- Chambers Derek
- Cruz Jr. Benjamin R.
- Eda Hironobu
- Eleaser Madridano
- Estrellado Manuel
- Gamier Rosanna
- Gille Gaius
- Ignacio Petronilo S.
- Jimenez Ma Viveth B.
- Kaneshi Marlyn
- Kim Chong Rae
- Lebria Alan
- LeonGuerrero Patrick
- Magboo Jaime
- Makiyama Kazuki
- Malabanan Victor
- Manalo Cilo C.
- Manucdoc Edmundo
- Manzanades Aldrin
- Melchor Geoffrey
- Milano Cecilio M.
- Nihar Mohamed Kamil Mohamed
- Panganiban Daniel
- Piamonte Agripino S.
- Pineda Maurice A.
- Raikiulipiy Cecilio
- Rivera Antonino
- Rodriguez Angelito A.
- Roquelara Raymond
- Sagucio Roderick
- Salvador Lauro
- Santos Emily Rose
- Sechico Vicente C.
- Shimizu Motomu
- Vales Roger
- Vargas Romeo
- Younis Salam
CUC Personnel
- Last_Name First_Name
- Agulto Tony
- Alexandrova Elena
- Asanuma Highness
- Attao Peter
- Blas George
- Blas Elizabeth
- Camacho Diony
- Changar Luke
- Dela Cruz Ray Anthony
- Deleon Guerrero Lawrence
- Dikito Glenn
- Jetnil John
- Kaipat Diego Jr
- Keremius Bernard F.
- Kukkun Jarlestin
- Kukkun Kashi
- Mendiola Sean
- Ngotel Willy
- Odoshi James
- Reyes Jeffrey M.
- Saavedra Ricardo
- Sablan Ben
- Santos John
- Seidler Donald
- Siewert Bruce
- Teriong Eloy
- Villagomez Glenn
- Warren Stuart
- Wasser Richard
- Zajradhara Zaji
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Copyright © 2009 - 2015 Mariana Islands Water Operator Association
Last modified: 02/25/2015
Copyright © 2009 - 2015 Mariana Islands Water Operator Association
Last modified: 02/25/2015